
extra dry


saké style saison ale

what to expect

cccllleeeaaannn,,, cccrrriiisssppp,,, bbbrrriiiggghhhttt,,, ffflllooorrraaalll

saké style saison ale

  • brewed with pilsner malt & rice, lightly dry-hopped with hallertau blanc and citra.

  • vegan

  • 1 pint (473ml)

  • 4.2% alc. vol.

Stillwater Extra Dry Barcode

thoughtful simplicity from start to finish… enjoy the trip


Find Our Beer Brewed In Grand Mound, WA
Red Dot Key Art from Extra Dry
about extra dry

The original saké inspired saison ale. Our modern classic is designed to mimic the subtle and drinkable flavors of saké. Same crisp taste, fresh new look.

Golden Extra Dry in Glass with Can
Close up detail of the Extra Dry can